I went out and felt the sun on my face then a tug on my leg and now I'm back in the cave there's a moment of peace that I just can't re-create
I need sleep but my brain won't get tired I smell like smoke from electrical fires don't touch me I've got crossed wires keep your fingers free from these crossed wires crossed wires, crossed wires
a day like this, we should be out on the road with the sky so clear and the air so cold there's blankets in the back bundle up, my little urchin 'cause we never got the heat working no, we never got the heat working
well you don't touch me 'cause I've got [ From : http://www.elyrics.net/read/s/superchunk-lyrics/crossed-wires-lyrics.html ] crossed wires keep your fingers free from me crossed wires crossed wires, crossed wires
collecting the notes you slid under the door but I go blank when I try to remember what we were good for I'm cracked, and I'm cross and it's no way to be let's just get lost maybe it'll come back to me back to me
now you can't touch me I've got crossed wires keep your fingers free from these crossed wires I smell like smoke from electrical fires oh I've got crossed wires, crossed wires yeah, yeah crossed wires