Was there just a deck one could have stacked to gain the evidence that lacked? or a fitting spell one should have yelled to get a poor mind out of hell? a detail left out, ignored a chute softening the fall
The resentment was impending on a fluttered soul a pretending so deranging too hard to afford – ‘twas time to…
Let a Billie record play and turn to dust our yesterdays let a Billie record play a tune to chase the blues away
Let a Billie record play and turn to dust all yesterdays let a Billie record play and toll a requiem for our pains
Was there just a verse one could have sung to make up for what lust ain’t done? ways to sense the eagerness was gone and feel the failure in our bones any means to cut it off? a reliever in the loss?
The resentment was impending on a fluttered soul a pretending so deranging too hard… to afford – so we just…
Let a Billie record play and turn to dust our yesterdays let a Billie record play a tune to chase the blues away
Let a Billie record play and turn to dust all yesterdays let a Billie record play and toll a requiem for our pains
So long, cruel tantaliser no doubt you were just a paper tiger I ebbed and flowed through love and hate but now it’s fine to disengage
So long, cruel tantaliser no doubt you were just a paper tiger I ebbed and flowed through love and hate but now it’s fine to disengage