降り続く雨のせいで セトロニン不足のユウウツ Melancholy from the constant rain and lack of serotonin 疲れきった 泥のからだへと 昨日の夢がしのびよる Body exhausted and covered in mud, I remember yesterday's dream いくつか恋を重ね 上書きした記憶の底から Repeating some lost love buried deep within 繰り返し にじんで匂う いちばん淡い面影 The brightness and smell is blurry from constant repetition
Light and sweet memory's depressing me Light and sweet memory's depressing me 何に 傷ついたのかさえ Not even knowing how or why I got hurt 忘れても 悲しみは消えずに 時は残酷だけど Even though I forget, the sadness doesn't disappear and time is cruel Light and sweet memory's spoiling me Light and sweet memory's spoiling me ざらつく現実よりは Instead of the gritty reality マシだよと瞳をとじ 今はけだるく眠るよ I close my eyes and fall into a languid sleep that makes me forget
湿った音を立てて 行きすぎる足音を聞いてる Hearing noisy wet footsteps walking by ノドの乾き 指の冷たさも だんだん鈍くなるんだ My thirst and my cold fingers become numb 名前を呼びかけて 夢の中でさえ呼べないで Even in the dream, calling your name with no appeal さびしく微笑んだひとが もう一度 胸を閉ざす That person smiles a lonely smile and closes their heart
Light and sweet memory's depressing me Light and sweet memory's depressing me たぶん 誰もが心だけ Maybe like anyone's heart 変われずに 大人になってく それで いいのかも・・・ Maybe it's good to become an adult without change... Light and sweet memory's spoiling me Light and sweet memory's spoiling me いたずらに引き伸ばしてる I'm stretching in vain あしたまでは このままで 微熱を言い訳にして I'll use this fever as an excuse to stay like this until tomorrow
たとえば あの場所から やり直せたとしたって For example, even though I've been repeating things from that position たぶん僕は 似たような あやまち 重ねて・・・ I'll probably continue to make the same mistakes
Light and sweet memory's depressing me Light and sweet memory's depressing me 何に 傷ついたのかさえ Not even knowing how or why I got hurt 忘れても 悲しみは消えずに 時は残酷だけど Even though I forget, the sadness doesn't disappear and time is cruel Light and sweet memory's spoiling me Light and sweet memory's spoiling me ざらつく現実よりは Instead of the gritty reality マシだよと瞳をとじ 今はけだるく眠るよ I close my eyes and fall into a languid sleep that makes me forget