Do You Wanna Kill The Batman? [Harley Quinn Song] ("Do You Wanna Build A Snowman?" Frozen OST Parody Cover)
Harley: Mista J? (knock)
(Verse 1) Do you wanna kill the Batman? C'mon, let's paint the town! I never see ya anymore, Come out the door, Your smiles become a frown! We used to be a duo and now we're not. I wish you would tell me why! Do you wanna kill the Batman? It doesn't have to be the Batman.
Joker: Go away, Harley!
Harley: Okay, bye...
(Verse 2) Do you wanna kill the Batman? Or we can rob a jewelry store? I think some company is over-due, I've started talking to my new best friend next-door.
Harley: Hi, Ivy!
It get's a little lonely, Just waiting around I wish you would bust me out? (lought)
Hatley: Mista J...?
(Verse 3) Please, I know you're in there.... Your smile is getting kind of long... They say I should leave I didnt want to, Because I love you... but this is wrong I'm moving in with Ivy. She actually cares. I guess this means we're through...
But if you wanna kill the Batman..? I'll be there for you