The world is a colder place now, I remember a time when breathing wasn't this hard When the wind's chill didn't inhibit movement When my vision wasn't constrained by the tilt of my neck But the world is a colder place now And I'm left recounting the cards that are left
The flakes are perfectly shaped as the twirl softly to the ground And i wish i still had the conviction to hold out my hand to feel their softness melt But the world is a much colder place now. As much as I wish i could forget.
My heart is held by a much colder chest now My vision is held to a few inches out front of my steps The world I knew was held together by you and is disappeared much as the freezing mist of your last breath The world is a much colder place now, and all i own is regret. For the things i did, for the things i am, and for all i have left
The world I knew was held together by you, and is disappeared Much as the freezing mist of your last breath