chorus: baby you can bounce like us yadaim ba chamaim ki af paam lo nim'as mezuman le hakis nichnas, lavush be klass kulam zazim im habass and it might sound crazy, hip hop be ivrit- that's amazing don't doubt the fact that baby yo can bounce like TACT wow
verse 1: ani shlager, eskimo limon hine ani ba tnu ba paamon ha shatiach ha adom iesh li ta mafteach shel ha ir haTzel ve ha or po tasimu ta yadaim ba avir maftzitz bamot mi Tel Aviv ve ad Kahir ani mazhir af hor bair anlo mash'ir lo mi iotveta aval ani ze im ha shpitz kol charitz nafitz ani maftzitz bo bo tatzitz ani ba im meil or, limuzin shachor blonda mi kadima shcharchara me'achor Taf Alef Cuf Tet shom'im be kol chor ta hatzlacha hazot pashut i efshar laatzor lechaiai bechaiai ein stzena biladai menege a troi mi? me myself and i ad matai?? (ad matai?) ein sof le nigudai if I'll die, al tagidu al tagidy dai...
chorus: baby you can bounce like us yadaim ba chamaim ki af paam lo nim'as mezuman le hakis nichnas, lavush be klass kulam zazim im habass and it might sound crazy, hip hop be ivrit- that's amazing don't doubt the fact that baby yo can bounce like TACT oh yeah
verse 2: bahatchala kulam dibru sham'u al Chucky D Alon ve az nichnasti la tmuna dofkim banot be beit malon mavi otam el ha shchuna, machnis ta hevre la peula notnim lahem al hashtihim lo lelachlech et ha mita california, hakol hithil ma shirim nichnasti ve katavti niftechu li haklafim bacharti et hamelech, kone batim, notzetz kmo kochavim mefutzatz yahalomim az tavin yesh li dvarim she benadam memutza cholem aleihem- kusiot rechush mechoniot yafot- shomer aleihem klot ta da'awin meaz ha V360 maalot olot basof hasnobiot rotzot- mashtin aleihen
chorus: baby you can bounce like us yadaim ba chamaim ki af paam lo nim'as mezuman le hakis nichnas, lavush be klass kulam zazim im habass and it might sound crazy, hip hop be ivrit- that's amazing don't doubt the fact that baby yo can bounce like TACT oh yeah
verse 3: every day, hey, every night, choref ad hakaitz potchim banot kmo chashbonot bank be shvaitz right? etzli ba TACT meot dollarim mitztabrim be toch tzintzenet kasefet mefutzetzet ad ha sof ve lo nin'elet got some, fuckin girlies mechakot li be Natania gag patuach, lo fantasia, zippin zippin od champania lo nigmar, zahav lavan al ha tzavar to match the fuckin earrings she kaniti le tamar eize mami, pagashti ota be beit malon Miami be erev moadon ba VIP ani ve rami lo nigmar li, I'm on the phone with Elliasi I catch a flight le Ben Gurion chake od lo nim'as li zorek shkalim, achi we make a fuckin party bakbuk shalem shel whisky ve shteim esre baccardi shtei martini, le zoti po im ha chutini tucky lucky chucky fuckin hoes and lamburgini
kol ha stzena be drama, buba prait doson krik ani kuli blink blink rockin' tzionut shit lo mero mero, mizron male fous, dinero nehene mehamiktzoa mitparnes mimeno ose beat be mear hachashmalit \"ai karamba\" machteret iehudit kmo hasamba evanta? taba'at yahalom, kos krystal tas le New York ba machlaka harishona EL AL nashim ba tor, achi shalosh shanim tamrur atzor etzli selektzia baknisa she elohim ieshmor oti shum davar kvar lo ia'atzor oti ein muli af lo ehad she yaavor oti chole al ha mikrofon, park Ha Yarkon ihie dugma lanetzach nokea ta regel ve ole al habama im dli ve kerach lo hofa'a ze retzah, ha miktzoan be Vegas mezuman al ha shulchan, mi itanu kan?
chorus: baby you can bounce like us yadaim ba chamaim ki af paam lo nim'as mezuman le hakis nichnas, lavush be klass kulam zazim im habass and it might sound crazy, hip hop be ivrit- that's amazing don't doubt the fact that baby yo can bounce like TACT oh yeah