1. Is truagh a rìgh gun trì làmhan Dà làimh sa phìob, dà làimh sa phìob Is truagh a rìgh gun trì làmhan Dà làimh sa phìob 's làmh sa' chlaidheamh
Sèist: Eadarainn a' chruit, a' chruit, a' chruit Eadarainn a' chruit, mo chuideachd air m'fhàgail Eadarainn a luaidh, a luaidh, a luaidh Eadarainn a luaidh, 's i ghall' uain a shàraich mi
2. Mo thaobh fodham m'fheòil air breòthadh Daol am shùil, daol am shùil Dà bhior iarainn gan sìor fhiaradh Ann am ghlùin, ann am ghlùin
3. Bidh na minn mheigeach nan gobhar chreagach Man tig mise, man till mis' à Uamh an Oir, Uamh an Oir 'S na lothan cliata nan eich dhialta Man tig mise, man till mis' à Uamh an Oir, Uamh an Oir
4. Bidh na laoigh bheaga nan crodh eadraidh Man tig mise, man till mis' à Uamh an Oir, Uamh an Oir 'S na mic uchda nam fir fheachda Man tig mise, man till mis' à Uamh an Oir, Uamh an Oir
5. 'S iomadh maighdeann òg fo ceud bhàrr Thèid a-null, thèid a-null Man tig mise, man till mis' à Uamh an Oir, Uamh an Oir
In English.
1. My, it's a pity I don't have three hands Two hands for the pipe, two hands for the pipe My, it's a pity I don't have three hands Two hands for the pipe and one for the sword
Chorus (after each verse): Between us the harp, the harp, the harp Between us the harp, since my kin has left me Between us, my love, my love, my love Between us, my love, the green she-dog devastated me
2. Lying on my side, my flesh rotting Beetle in my eye, beetle in my eye Two iron pins continually thrusting Into my knee, into my knee
3. Bleating kids will be rock-climbing goats Before I come, before I return from the Cave of Gold And meadow-pastured colts will be saddled for riding Before I come, before I return from the Cave of Gold
4. Young calves will be milking-cows Before I come, before I return from the Cave of Gold And boys on the lap will be men-at-arms Before I come, before I return from the Cave of Gold
Many's the young virgin in her first bloom Will have gone beyond, gone beyond Before I come, before I return from the Cave of Gold