Flos ut rosa floruit (Notre Dame Repertory, 13 Century)
Flos ut rosa flóruit quando virgo génuit María salvatórem ómnium, summi patris fílium, nova genitúra. Qui divína grátia descéndit ad ínfera humána, et salvávit ómnia summa cum poténtia nova genitúra. Cantémus hýmnum glóriae cántico lætítiæ laudándo, sollemnizántes hódie regi regum iustítiæ grátias agéndo. Qui nátus est de vírgine místico spirámine nova genitúra. Ergo nostra cóncio psállat cum tripúdio benedícat dómino.
(Anon., Florence, 13th Century)
A flower blossomed like a rose when born of the Virgin Mary was the Saviour of mankind, Of the Father above, the Son, in a new birth. Through grace divine He descended to humankind below, saving one and all in the fullness of His power, in a new birth. Sing we a hymn of glory, chanting joyfully His praises, celebrating today the rightful King of Kings, offering our thanks. He was born of a virgin through a mystic breath, in a new birth. Therefore let our congregation give praise in unison, blessing the Lord.