An enigmatic creature, seductive charm, born from the earth, mixed with water, Naked ambition, an elemental desire, raised by wolves, she nature's daughter. Nose of a bloodhound following a scent, her animal instincts sharper than a tack. Painting her life on paper sheets, grew up in the country, but never heading back. Lost in the industrial wasteland, abandoning hope, prefers the wind, fog and the hail, Living in a material world, dreams of writing, a paradoxical dilemma, a tragic fairytale. Marina's a fish out of water, gasping for air, blindly pursuing a purely material goal. Instead of following her passion, sacrificing fashion, for the satisfaction of her soul. The wood nymph knows, her eyes are closed and that all her dreams are pending. Pick up the pen, start writing again, life is a book, write your own perfect ending.
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