i feel like a veteran i forgot how to leave, i feel like j. gosh i will not go back to school, i feel just like bill buckner i forgot i need it, and everyone that you forgot i forgot how to need it. for all the time i keep waitingm the times you kept saying go, you're done twisting arms, backed up and down, a new ratio, for who's laughing now, who's winning now? i hide my jokes inside the kitchen broom so you can start practicing for the rest of your life, they wrote you in to stay down, we mean it, stay down, you can't move, the wait is so hard, but you blew it all. i recall saying yo'll never forget this again for the rest of your life. what's the word on the street? somehow i recall... it's probably nothing, baby i'll never have the time to explain, i don't think i'll find the time to explain, i know i won't ever want to have explain, let's give up on verbs and nouns, because sometimes you mean it, but everybody's got too many words, and sometimes you mean it but everybody's got too many words, just shut up for once in your life, while they were taking you, i kept on driving in and ran down every thought, who's waiting now, you've got to dig yourself out, you have to dig yourself out, you have to dig yourself out.