how dIvIne, how dIvIne Brother of mIne how refIned and BenIgn Yet coarSe aS theY come So BrIght and tenacIouS Such a Brat, and audacIouS You're gone You're done how dIvIne, how dIvIne Brother of mIne
never rIde wIth charon charon'S got no portS to call don't You paY for paSSage charon'S oarS got no power at all
what a Shotgun holIdaY Shotgun holIdaY
happY for a daY what a daY what a Shotgun holIdaY dId You unwInd? have peace of mInd? unconfIned? maY You fInd grace, haunted kInd what a Shotgun holIdaY dId You unwInd? have peace of mInd? unconfIned? maY You fInd grace, haunted kInd
Should have known, Should have known decIphered the SIgnS cover Blown, on Your own and caught In the maze
how Strong, Yet aSunder and far You dId wander So far So far Should have known, Should have known You kept It wIthIn