Shut your f%cking face, Uncle F%cka.. You're a cock sucking, ass licking, Uncle F%cka.. You're an Uncle F%cka, yes it's true.. Nobody f%cks uncles quite like you! Shut YOUR f%cking face, Uncle F%cka.. You're the one that f%cked your uncle, Uncle F%cka.. You don't eat or sleep, or mow the lawn.. Just f%ck your uncle all day long!
[farting] Hmm.. [more farting] hahahaha! Canadian Man: What's going on hyah? [more farting]
F%cka F%cka, Uncle F%cka Uncle F%cka Uncla F%cka.. Shut your f%cking face, Uncle F%cka! You're a boner biting bastard, Uncle F%cka! You're an Uncle F%cka, I must say.. You f%cked your uncle yesterday! Uncle f%cka, thats U, N, C, L, E, f%ck, you Uncle F%ckaaaaaaa.. suck my balls.