1. Felix Kubin - ???? 2. Lucy - The Self As Another (Eomac Remix) - Stroboscopic Artefacts 3.Tommy Four Seven - Monix - Stroboscopic Artefacts 4. Untold - Strange Dreams - Hemlock Recordings 5. Metrist - Third Law - Fifth Wall Records 6. Orphx, Ancient Methods, Eschaton - Kali - Token 7. Perc - Work Softer (Desonanz Light Years of Dub Remix) - Prosthetic Pressings 8. Jon Hopkins - Collider( Karenn Remix) - Domino 9. Marcel Fengler - Sky Pushing (Dave Clarke Remix) - Ostgut Ton 10. Electrabel - Ripplin - Subsist Records 11. Alexander Dniel - Recon - Panel Trax 12. Patrick Krieger - Access (Doner Remix) - Counter Pulse 13. Clouds - Drone Function - Fifth Wall Records 14. Dead Heat - Bosco (Lucy Remix) - Life and Death 15. Pjotr G, Dubiosity - Diutisk - Counter Pulse 16. Shed - I Come by Night - 50 Weapons