Is that like me the last frustration you have saved Is that like me the degeneration of the brave Is that like me to treat my brother as a salve Is that like me the final reason to go away
Is that like me to choose your heros and then decide to shoot them down and hold exhibits on their pyre Is that like me am I the cloth that wipes your smile Is that me or is it the images on your trial
Do you know the place I go to when the beatings arrive Do you know the strengh I call on when they scream "crucify" Do you need another reason to belittle my love The Stigma you cast is really not enough
Is that like me to put illusion in my veins and shoot it down before the Icons you portray Is that like me Another victim of decay This room´s so cold You kissed me twice and then betrayed
my only wish To hold you near me in the night Oh is that like me Would I harm the one I´d give my life