Life is a fight of good and bad When i was a kid what's told me dad We were born in Hell, in a hope to get out, When i was a little boy dad told me about it It must be funny to look at this all It must be so funny to look When you know the final We don’t judge sinners, we judge a sin – that is fun. believe that when we die, we will come to the sky. But if you lived like a bastard, you would die as a crap. Inside we’ve got much more evil, than it seems at first sight He said life is a fight of good and bad When i was a little boy what's told me dad It’s must be funny to watch at the heroes of war, It’s must be so funny to watch than you know the final. How we lost and find How we love and kill How we try to surwive Hey, boy, what you feel. We don’t judge sinners, we judge a sin – that is fun. believe that when we die, we will come to the sky. But if you lived like a bastard, you would die as a crap. Inside we’ve got much more evil, than it seems at first sight