I made you watch in sovereign horror, as I decorticated every last bit of your flesh, a gracious feast for a bloodthirsty creature like me. Consuming your anatomy will suffice my desires for now, but I seem to be the host in my eternal masquerade. Impersonation, depicting what I love, but I never thought I would be. I began by forcing your eyes open, and placing a mirror in front of you, to see your worthless body, constrained in my captivity. Help me, you screamed, but no one would hear you. Suffering became certain to you, i'm just passing the time. I can't control myself, I cannot stop. Persecution, my delectation. In your last breath I hope you're crying out to be saved. A quick slice, separation of the brain from spine, in an attempt to please myself I end your life. Consuming your anatomy will suffice my desires for now.