Twilight was a mare who'd always been a loner, Princess knew it couldn't last Forced to leave her home Twilight left her corner, Forced to make some friends and fast, Go Twi, Go Twi, Go Twilight Sparkle make some friends, Go Twi, Go Twi, Go Twilight Sparkle make some friends, Go for it Twilight! Make friends!
Go Twi, Go Twi, Go Twilight Sparkle make some friends, Go Twi, Go Twi, Go Twilight Sparkle make some friends, Go for it, Twi!
Nasty Nightmare Moon she finally had done it, She had brought eternal night, All the mares and stallions, said Nightmare had won it, Twilight and friends bring the fight,
Go Twi, Go Twi Get rid of this eternal night, Go Twi, Go Twi Get rid of this eternal night, Bring it back, Twilight! Daylight!
Go Twi, Go Twi, Beat Nightmare Moon with your new friends! Go Twi, Go Twi, Beat Nightmare Moon with your new friends! Oooh...