Your eyes were the color blind I am sorry if I called them clear Still lives, you’ll make perfect wives, You’re the true love of our life this year
I'm undressing all your wounds completely You're depressing all my buttons sweetly If my phone does never ring, I know it’s you on the other line
White noise, photogenic boys, Always someone’s heart to break your fall Blue prince to hold your breath against until Silence dislocates your jaw
Minds go places good girls cannot follow Tongues preferring flavors we can’t swallow Here alone, awaiting what the stars will bring, blood replaced with wine
Pardon my mistake, it’s a Julia heartache
So love, now we overdub You be magnet, I’ll be razor blade [unintelligible] time will never tell [unintelligible] loves that we unmade
O my god, you porcelain disaster, You incite the orphans and the bastards You invade our everything and turn see-through You make up our minds