Mighty voices of my vengeance Smash the stillness of their blurring skies Standing as monoliths of wrath upon writhing serpents For I am becoming a machine of annihilation To Festering Fragments of the body of she who would detain me Ride upon the blasting winds which multiply my bitterness I call to messengers of doom to slash with grim delight I call to messengers of doom to slash with grim delight
we cover our right eye and we look to the eastern sky we cover our right eye and we look to the eastern sky
Mighty voices of my vengeance Smash the stillness of their blurring skies Standing as monoliths of wrath upon writhing serpents For I am becoming a machine of annihilation To Festering Fragments of the body of she who would detain me Ride upon the blasting winds which multiply my bitterness I call to messengers of doom to slash with grim delight I call to messengers of doom to slash with grim delight
silent is that voiceless bird he rides the air silent is that voiceless bird he rides the air silent is that voiceless bird he rides the air silent is that voiceless bird he rides the air he rides the air he rides the air