Oiet, virgins, aiso que vos dirum! Eiset presen que vos comandarum! Atendet un espos, Jesu salvaire a nom. Gaire no i dormet! Aisel espos que vos hor’atendet, venit en terra per los vostres pechet, de la Virgine en Betleem fo net, e flum Jorda lavet e bateet. Gaire no i dormet! Eu fo batut, gablet e laideniet, sus e la crot pendut e claufiget, eu monument desoentre pauset. Gaire no i dormet! E resors es, la scriptura o dii. Gabrïels soi, eu m’a trames aici. Atendet lo que ja venra praici. Gaire no i dormet!
Hear, O hear, maidens, what I have to tell you! Take care to obey what we now command you. Await the bridegroom, Jesus the Savior by name. Watchers must not slumber! Joy comes with Him, He whose hour approaches, to earth from heaven He came to save you from your sins, in Bethlehem He was born of the Virgin, washed in Jordan’s waters and was baptized. Watchers must not slumber! Then He was scorned, beaten, persecuted, crucified for us upon the cruel tree, in stony sepulcher He was entombed. Watchers must not slumber! He was raised from death, the Gospels tell you. I am the Angel Gabriel, sent here to forewarn you. You will meet the Bridegroom who comes to you this night. Watchers must not slumber!