Not who do not want to be on the block, game of chess ... ordinary people, in a torn shirt, of why the king always be behind, you are a born leader, you must be ahead and everyone thinks that you bastard but as long as you obey their minds you're a major player in this game they continue to trust you Why these thoughts with pusmtymi prejudices and dark Mutko , And so sometimes wanted to move all in battle observing strategy boss keeps this system, and so any pawn with a leaky tub, donyasyaschaya groan before reaching the end can play a significant role in the background of a person and sohranittsa, in people's memories forever, with a measured game, ends in this place, and no matter how many timesYou did not think up new plans for revenge, you'll get one and same bad news, I Do not Know go forward or retreat, I can no longer avoid injuries, I will fight dalsche, after reaching the finish line all should only begin
whether it be cleaner brighter and better for the king gave his heart and soul Even if life sometimes throws out beat your behind those who are dear to and need walk through the puddles, despite the fact that prostukzhen Autumn Wind Chill reduced to wild Look around, we have lost many a friend. but we are close to victory after both selenium our spirit