The policeman walked out, oh so proud on his beat When a vision came to him of stripes on his sleeve 'Promotion,' he whispered 'I'll try for today So come with me Mr. Ri-tooral-I-ay'
'Come tell me your name' says the limb of the law To the little fat man selling wares on the straw 'What's that sir? Me name sir? Why, 'tis there on display And it's Moses Ri-tooral-I-ooral-I-ay'
The trial it came on and it lasted a week One judge said 'twas German another 'twas Greek 'Prove you're Irish' said the policeman 'and beyond it say nay' And we'll sit on it Moses Ri-tooral-I-ay'
The prisoner stepped up there as stiff as a crutch 'Are you Irish or English or German or Dutch?' 'I'm a Jew sir, I'm a Jew sir, that came over to stay And my name it is Moses Ri-tooral-I-ay' Lyrics
'We're two of a kind' said the judge to the Jew You're a cousin of Briscoe and I am one too This numbskull has blundered and for it will pay' 'Wisha, that's right' says Moses Ri-tooral-I-Ay
There's a garbage collector who works down our street Who once was a policeman, the pride of his beat And he moans all the night and he groans all the day Singing 'Moses Ri-tooral-I-ooral-I-ay'