Chorus: Will ye gang tae the heilands Leezie Lindsay Will ye gang tae the heilands wae me Will ye gang tae the heilands Leezie Lindsay Ma bride and ma darlin' tae be
Verse 1: Tae gang tae the heilands wae you sir Wid bring a saut tear tae ma ee Aye at leaving the green glens and woodlands And streams o' ma ain country
Verse 2: I'll show ye the home o' the red deer On mountain where waves the tall pine And as far as the bound o' the red deer Ilk moorland and mountain is mine
Verse 3: A thousand claymores I can muster Ilk blade and its bearer the same And when round their chieftain they rally The gallant Argyll is ma name
Verse 4: There's dancing and joy in the heilands And there's piping and gladness and glee For Argyll has brought hame Leezie Lindsay His bride and his darlin' tae be