This is the end Beautiful friend This is the end My only friend, the end
Of our elaborate plans, the end Of everything that stands, the end No safety or surprise, the end I'll never look into your eyes...again
Это конец, Мой дорогой друг, Это конец, Мой единственный друг, конец, Для наших планов на будущее - это конец, Всего сущего, конец, И на чудо не стоит надеяться - это конец, И мне не суждено взглянуть в твои глаза... вновь ------------------------------------------------- До сердца холод проберёт, Вдали от дома тьма и лёд. Не верь же путник никому, Когда идёшь ты через тьму. Не виден путь коль скрылся свет, Луна не светит солнца нет.
Cold be heart and hand and bone Cold be travelers far from home They do not see what lies ahead When sun has falled and moon is dead ----------------------------------- A night, a street, a lamp, a drugstore A meaningless and dismal light A quarter century outpours – It’s all the same. No chance to flight.
You’d die and rise anew, begotten. All would repeat as ever might: The street, the icy rippled water, The store, the lamp, the lonely night.
The Doors - This is the end (dirty south remix ... The Doors - This is the end (dirty south remix). DJ .... hello all !!!!! I listen all the remix of the ...
the doors - this is the end(dirty south remix) the doors - this is the end(dirty south remix) ... Music. "Watch Out (Dirty South Remix)" by ...
The Doors - The End (Dirty South Remix Edit) by ... The Doors - The End (Dirty South Remix Edit) by Video Mix And Bootleg.
Dirty South - The End (Dirty South Mix) Dirty South - The End (Dirty South Mix). Spinnin' Records ... the doors track original ...
The Doors This Is The End Dirty South Remix 2007 ... The Doors This Is The End Dirty South Remix 2007 VRMX FERCHO THE LONG PLAY 2010 ...
Dirty South - The End (Arno Cost Remix) buy here :
The Doors REMIX (This is the end) The Doors REMIX (This is the end) .... Only because i like this remix dont mean im a a 17 ...
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