1. Re Mana! Murakha janama gavayo Kara abhimana vishaya-rasa Rachyo shyama-sharana nahi ayo
2. Yaha samsara phula semara ko sundara dekhi lubhayo Akhana lagyo rui gai udi, hatha kachhu nahi ayo
3. Kaha bhayo abake mana soche, pahile nahi kamayo Kahata Sur bhagavanta bhajana binu Sir dhuni dhuni pachhitayo
1. O my mind, how stupid you are! You have wasted your entire life! You were drenched in pride, and drowning in the false nectar of worldly enjoyments, without ever giving a thought to the Lord, or taking refuge in His feet.
2. You looked upon this world as an exquisite flower, and you were so fascinated by its beauty that you forgot everything else. But when you went near to pluck it, the flower blew away like cotton seeds and you found your hand left empty.
3. What can you do now? Your heart is filled with remorse, because you never tried to earn the wealth of devotion. Surdas says: You didn't chant God's name so your entire life is lost. Now that you realize you've missed your chance, you are beating your head with remorse.