Don't ask me what I'm doin' Don't ask me where I've been Don't ask me what I've been doing or who I've been doing it with
Cause I ain't gonna tell yah / Cause it ain't your business NO I ain't gonna tell yah / Cause it ain't your business
You can ask me what I'm doing You can ask me where I've been You can ask me what I've been doing or who I've been doing it with
But I ain't gonna tell yah / Cause it ain't your business No I ain't gonna tell yah / Cause it ain't your business
I'd like to be your friend Put our troubles away with the wind I'd consent to a do over I know exactly how to begin
Don't ask me my business / Cause it ain't your business Don't ask me my business / Cause it ain't your business
You may think that you can scare me With your gun and your badge You might think that you're intimidating I assure you I am way more bad ass
And I ain't gonna tell you / Cause it ain't your business NO I ain't gonna tell you / Cause it ain't your business
I'm from a small Isle North in Vinland. We've got a reputation there. When Not-Me thugs come up and point at us. They take our guns and we've got a spare.
AND we ain't gonna tell you / Cause it ain't your business No we ain't gonna tell you / Where we buried your tax man.