I still remember the police lights that painted your house a new color on that day/ And I still remember all the thoughts that I had and that I couldn't find one word to say/ I remember how fake it felt and how much I wanted to hear that it was all a joke/ But it was no joke/because you slept on that night and when the morning came you never woke\\ /But on the day of your funeral /I didn't want to but I stood up and I tried to speak /I fought with myself to be strong but I knew deep down that I was weak/ I’m so weak/ This is your memorial/ For weeks after I couldn't eat or sleep or repeat the word fine anytime someone asked how I was doing /But I was still doing it/ I played pretend but I was losing it /Because I wasn't ready to lose you /and I can't live with the fact of knowing that there's nothing that I can do to bring you back/ It’s really quite selfish of me /But I would if I had the opportunity/ I’m so tired of sitting at home/ I’m so tired of feeling abandoned/ I’m a damned kid/ I’m just tired of being alone /So tired of trying to manage this baggage /From collateral damage /These are just memories that seem to haunt my mind on a daily basis/ You are my greatest weakness but in turn you are my aegis/ And together we lead a legion of the living who can't help but carry their dead/ This weight takes its toll but each day we move forward taking one step /One step towards the end /one step towards knowing if we'll ever see our loved ones again /We refuse to rest until we breath our last breaths /Until our hearts beat their last beats inside of our beaten chests/ Although our cause is worth fighting for we aren't looking to wage a war /We’re just fighting to lead our lives/ we’re just hoping for something more/ Searching for a state of being subsequently giving death a meaning/ But until such knowledge is obtained it's in the dark that we'll remain /Living on in me /I will carry on your name/ I still carry you with me/ We refuse to rest until we breath our last breaths /Until our hearts beat their last beats inside of our beaten chests/