Sara Oh, what a sadness, Girl, listen to what they are saying about you. They give you so much sorrow. You go to visit a friend and instead of being happy, she says that you infected her. Her family can’t find rest anymore, they only say that you are bad. She wakes up early in the morning and goes to the witch-doctor, and now going to her costs too much. While the pretty girl is pregnant-- her childbirth is due in a few days-- she hid that from her family. When I see that she became your enemy, I remember how you used to pray together, holding each other’s hands. That friendship didn’t have to end that way. Oh, Sara, you are unhappy. All the sorrows go only towards you, Sara. Oh, Sara, you are unhappy. All sorrows come towards you, Sara. You used to be really good friends. You really hoped she was your friend, and now she turned her back on you. My sister forget it, where are you going? Go back to your home Mukaserege. I say goodbye to you. Every time there are problems, they go towards Sara, Every time there are problems, they go towards Sara. It’s true, Sara, that you are unhappy. In the past days, you were fine with your fiancé and now he doesn’t want you anymore either, because people played him against you. His family can’t see you because you are better than them. Oh, Sara, you are an unhappy one. All curses go towards you, Sara! Oh, Sara, you are an unhappy one, all curses go towards you, Sara! You used to be friends. You hoped she was your friend and now she turns her back on you, my sister. You know that you are better than her. Where are you going? I say goodbye to you!