George Benson ٠ 1977 ٠ Michael Masser, Linda Creed ٠ arr. Lee Holdridge ٠ AGP
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I believe that children are our fu-uture. Teach them well and let them le-ead the way, Show them all the beauty they possess insa-a-aide, Give them a sense of pride to make it easier, Let the children's laughter Remind us how we u-used to be.
(Ooh-) Everybody is searching for a he-ero, People nee-ed someone to look u-up to, I've never found anyone who fulfilled my nee-e-ed. I kno-ow the place to be So I learned to depe-end o-on me.
I decided long ago never to walk in anyone's sha-adow, If I fail, if a-I succeed - at least I live as I be-elieve, No matter what they take from me, They can't take away my dignity!
{Be-eca-ause the-e greatest love of all (Was happening to me) Was happening to me-ee-ee! I've fo-ound the-ee-e greatest love of all Inside' o-o-of me. The gre-eate-est love of all Is e-e-easy to-u achieve, Le-earni-ing to-u love yourself Is the greatest love o-o-of all}.
I believe that children are our fu-uture. Teach them well and let the-em le-ead the way, Show them all the beauty they posse-ess insa-a-aide, Give them a sense of pride to make it easier, Let the children's laughter Remind us how we u-used to be.
I decided long ago never to walk in anyone's sha-adow, If I fail, if I succeed - at least I live as I be-elieve, No matter what they take from me, They can't take away my digni-ity!
{Be-eca-a-ause the-e-e greatest love of all Was happening to-u-u me-ee-e, I've fo-ound the-ee-e greatest love of all Inside' of me. The gre-eate-est love of all Is easy to achieve, Learni-ing to love yo-ourself Is the greatest love of all}.
And if by chance that special place That you've been dreami-i-ing of Leads you to a longer place Put yo-our strength in lo-ove!