I want to gather up everyone and make them merry; I want to welcome people to dream. We're always working hard. PRETTY DREAMER
We're going to the future, so don't forget to renew your passport. Lately, you've been pretty bored, am I right? But an exciting day-to-day adventure where you're the leader Is what we'll go and find together.
Let's all go and board the plane together. To a party every day with high-spirited moods! (YES YES YES!!)
Have fun at an irregular speed and laugh with the other classes. Hey, doesn't this feel great? (YES YES YES!!) With my overwhelming happiness, I'll say thank you for being my friend. The bonds that connect us are shining! (Let's shine!!) In our own colors.
I want to gather up everyone and make them merry; I want to welcome people to dream. We're always working hard. PRETTY DREAMER
Something ideal that can break through yesterday's progresses. No matter where it goes, let's go catch up to it! That's what we've decided! Even through tension, you can stay sweet! You're the best! We won't lose, even though we've seen this rival.
It's a happy vibration that we give to each other, right? Dear My Friends!! (YES YES YES!!)
Take something irregularly cute and impress the other classes. Hey, with courage and aspirations, you can become invincible. (YES YES YES!!) There's approvals across the board, yes, no matter what you're passionate about. The sparkling and shining rules (Let's shine!!) I'll uphold them.
Let's make merry today and drink up the dreams you see. We're always working hard. PRETTY DREAMER
I want to find love and have my heart throb, even with all the panicking and crying I'll always be my straightforward, honest self Running out with all my might, today will be a day dear to my heart This feeling I'm feeling now is one of wonder
Have fun at an irregular speed and laugh with the other classes. Hey, doesn't this feel great? (YES YES YES!!) With my overwhelming happiness, I'll say thank you for being my friend. The bonds that connect us are shining! (Let's shine!!) In our own colors.
Let's make merry today and drink up the dreams you see. We're always working hard.