There's a hole, a hole, a hole inside of me the shape of you it's so deep , so deep, so deep inside me that nobody can see it when I try to fill it with other people none of them will fit but I will try to keep trying
Maybe I think this one This one can touch like you touch Or laugh like you laugh kiss like you kiss smile like you smile but no-one smiles like you smile... No, nobody smiles like you…
It's not just inside me the hole the shape of you everywhere I look now Is somewhere that you are not Holes are always hungry And they eat the things we want to keep
eat your life so slowly eat profane and holy eat it till you're wholly hole
Maybe I think this one This one can touch like you touch Or laugh like you laugh kiss like you kiss smile like you smile but no-one smiles like you smile... No, nobody smiles like you…
I should learn my lesson holes are the illusion presence and absence and emptiness and nothing
When I am gone my darling dig me a hole let flowers grow above me and wild berries then laugh and forget me and before I'm cold let someone who loves you fill your... ...hole