Who's got... a secret room in a secret room in a regular house in a secret town on a secret island? That's Benjamin Linus. He's also got other secrets: a secret past and a secret love, a secret game with secret guns; I even found his secret monster from the secret room in the secret room in the regular house in the secret town on the secret island. That sounds like Benjamin Linus.
Who gets beat up all the time? Benjamin Linus. Who's always tellin' lies? Benjamin Linus. (My name is Henry Gale.) He has a secret crime, yeah. He's why Jacob died. Now he's got... to dig his own grave unless he gets brave, admits he needs saved. Now, will he behave? Will he be a slave of Titus? Not Benjamin Linus! He's a teacher at school with a radass 'tude. He used to sulk and brood, now he's a standup dude of genuine flyness. He's Benjamin Linus.
Let's shout out the pride pent up inside us... for Benjamin Linus! Here's Locke with myknocks, now here's Dr. Linus!