stage set curtain song queued expectation spotlight act one applause/bow repeat steps
can't you see right now my hands are bleeding blisters broken dripping from the ceiling I don't want to be here now I've fallen apart and I can't pick up the pieces I cry in the dark and cup my ears to seashells to hear the solitude it brings
so many faces - so many voices - so many reasons to give this up and this goes on and on
can't you hear right now my ears are ringing? my head held in my hands to stop the spinning it stops only to start again my home has long since been replaced with a world behind this window pane
have I finally gone too far to come home? this world might wait for me tonight, but she won't now only time will tell if these wax-wings will melt only moments to spare
we fall asleep with the color of the sunrise we count the years on circles under our eyes we dream in shades of blue and gray we speak in tongues of metaphors and stories we bleed the ink of subtle allegory we are the needle in the hay