Littlefoot I'm goin' to go adventuring and who knows what I'll find
Petrie He's goin' to see the great beyond
Ducky Across the mud
Littlefoot Beyond the pond
Ducky and Petrie He's going to see the great beyond
Cera I'd rather stay behind
Ducky Will there be ugly, bugly things and ickely, ticklely, prickely wings?
Petrie A front that bites and back that stings?
Littlefoot You never know
Petrie Will there be things with sharp-ly teeth?
Ducky Up above and underneath?
Cera I'll bet it's so
Ducky Then please don't go
Littlefoot I'm goin' to climb the mountain tall where fires burn and rocks can fall
Cera And scary things can creep and crawl with one big goog-ly eye
Ducky Aah! Stop!
Petrie He's going to reach the highest high when even flyers never fly
Ducky Maybe he will touch the sky
Cera Well, I won't say goodbye
Ducky Will he cross the big, big water?
Petrie Where it hot, or even hotter?
Cera Bet he's gonna meet a lotta sharpteeth there
Petrie Yeah
Ducky Will there be yummy things to eat?
Petrie Will there be things that ouch your feet?
Ducky Will you be brave?
Cera Will you be scared?
Littlefoot No! I'm goin' to go adventuring
Others join in Adventuring, adventuring
Littlefoot And when I go adventuring, There'll be so much to do
Others But if you go adventuring, adventuring, there's just one thing Ya know what you are going to have to do? You're going to have to take us all with you!