In the year of 89 Magic land emerged from sea, And we stayed there for a while On the land of LENDA School.
So we practiced day and night To perfect essential skills, And we all appreciate Our teacher’s heart and soul!
Refrain: LENDA school will be always on my mind - always on my mind - always on my mind! LENDA school will be always on my mind - always on my mind - always on my mind!
And our friends are all ashore, Many more of them lived abroad, And whenever we recall CHORUS: Time with LENDA – LENDA - LENDA! Time with LENDA language school!
We keep track of the LENDA language school - LENDA language school - LENDA language school! We keep track of the LENDA language school - LENDA language school - LENDA language school!
Full speed ahead, Mrs. Captain!
As we live a life of shock Everyone of us has to cope. Only LENDA language school Is the place of peace and cool.
We’ll keep track of the LENDA language school - LENDA language school - LENDA language school! We’ll keep track of the LENDA language school - LENDA language school - LENDA language school!