Miguel and Tulio Tulio and Miguel-el Mighty and powerful gods! Mi-mi-mi-mighty and powerful gods! Mi-mi
- The stars, are not in position! For this tribute - Like he says. Stars... Can't do it... Not today day-day-day-day-day!
- Guys, you're broke, you got nothing to bet with - One more roll! - You got nothing to bet with - One more roll! - You got nothing to bet with - One more roll! - You got, one more roll! - Guys, you're broke, you got nothing to bet with - One more roll! - You got nothing to bet with - One more roll! - You got nothing to bet with - One more roll! - You got, one more roll!
- To commemorate your arrival i propose a reverent ceremony at dawn - Then perhaps i could prepare a glorious feast for you tonight - Both? - Both - Both! - Both is god
Miguel and Tulio Tulio and Miguel el Mighty and powerful gods! Mi-mi-mi-mighty and powerful gods! Mi-mi
- The stars, are not in position! For this tribute - Like he says. Stars... Can't do it... Not today day-day-day-day-day!
- Guys, you're broke, you got nothing to bet with - One more roll! - You got nothing to bet with - One more roll! - You got nothing to bet with - One more roll! - You got, one more roll! - Guys, you're broke, you got nothing to bet with - One more roll! - You got nothing to bet with - One more roll! - You got nothing to bet with - One more roll! - You got, one more roll!