Сюр лё ганж у лямазон Ше ле бляк ше ле сик Ше ле жон Вуаяж вуаяж Да(н) ту лё руаём Сюр ле дюн дю Саара Дэ зиль фиджи о фужияма Вуаяж вуаяж Н(ё) тарэт(э) па Одсю дэ барбэле Дэ к(ё)р бомбардэ Р(ё)гард(э) лёсэа(н)
Desireless Voyage Voyage cover English version ... decided i liked this song so much I'd try an English version , only a karaoke cover no copy write ...
Touch me-The lost fingers Full moon in the city And the night was young I was hungry for love I was hungry for fun I was ...
The Lost Fingers - La Cuisiniere The Lost Fingers interprète, La Cuisinière, dans le Bunker de P.Y. pour le Retour du Beau ...
Tainted Love - The Lost Fingers From the album 'Lost In The 80's' by The Lost Fingers. Find other great music on my channel.