Office 4 -You just still have these messages from yesterday. Relax everything is under control. - Yeah, yeah, yeah oh that’s important, right. - Oh, this is so important, I should run to answer it. - What? - Come on. Six million dollars man, Steve Austin, actually that would be a good salary for me don’t you think? Six million dollars? - Memo to Jan: I deserve a raise - Don’t we all? -I’m sorry? - There’s nothing! -If you are unhappy with your compensation, maybe you should take it up with HR, ok? Not today, ok? Pam just, be professional. - I think I’m a role model here, I think I garner people's respect. - Attention on Dundler Mifflin employees, please, we have a meeting in the conference room ASAP -People I respect, heros of mine, would be Bob Hope, Abraham Lincoln, definitely, Bono, and probably God be the fourth one. - And I just think all those people really helped the world, in so many ways, that it’s, it’s really beyond words.It’s really uncalculable. - Now, I know there’s some rumors out there, and I just kind want to see…. -I’m assistant regional manager, I should know first. - Assistant to the regional manager. - Ok. Can you just tell me please? - Just a whisper in my ear. -I’m about to tell everybody. - I'm just about to tell exeryone… - Please, ok. - Do you want me to tell them? - You don’t know what it is! -Can you tell them, with my permission? -I don’t need your...Permission granted. -Go ahead -Corporate has deemed it appropriate to enforce an ultimatum upon me, and Jan is thinking about downsizing either the Stanford branch or this branch.