Survivor, you made it out a liar. What does it take to cross the finish line?
I am better than this. But I can't put it to rest. I must invest, I do confess. So I say "I will betray. It's the only way," ’Till I make it through the fire. Now I'm a liar.
One lie at a time, and watch morality dull and redefine. It's not all black and white. One lie at a time, ignore the voice inside and how you'll be just fine. That voice is just delusion.
No, is it nothing? Is it a means to an end? I watch them reign with those silver tongues. So how long 'till we fight fire with fire?
Survivor, you made it out a liar. What does it take to cross the finish line? Survivor, you made it out a liar. Drown or deceive. It’s become a disease.
We’ve made it this far. So what’s the use in turning around? Watch it. You watch it. Watch where you point your fingers. 'Cause the blame it never ends in this twisted paradise.
It’s our vice. It’s our lives, and there’s no escape.
Survivor, you made it out a liar. What does it take to cross the finish line? Survivor, you made it out a liar. Drown or deceive. It’s become a disease. And we’re all just suffering You hide behind your false innocence. Maybe, just maybe, you’re the disease.
It’s become a disease.
I’m just a pharisee, but you're standing here next to me. We’ve drawn a line in the sand, yet you judge where I stand?
One lie at a time, and watch morality dull and redefine. It's not all black and white. One lie at a time, ignore the voice inside and how you'll be just fine. That voice is just delusion.