are you planning your escape? are you crumbling for the evening when i'm asleep and you're awake? i swear to god i'd take it to the grave are you planning your escape?
she's a wonderful actress she's a wonderful actress [oh isn't she isn't she isn't she?] she's a wonderful actress she's a wonderful actress
who'll be counting your mistakes? who'll be holding back your pigtailed hair while you're throwing up your birthday cake? here's your make up shut your face you'll be easily replaced
so was it much to ask for? a bread crumb and backhand and it wasn't much we needed we got a casket in quicksand but now you're gonna get it my buttercup, slow down cause your doctors and lawyers can't save your ass now
she's a wonderful actress she's a wonderful actress
are you planning your escape?
so was it much to ask for? a bread crumb and backhand and it wasn't much we needed we got a casket in quicksand but now you're gonna get it my buttercup, slow down cause your doctors and lawyers can't save your ass now your doctors and lawyers can't save your ass now
she's a wonderful actress she's a wonderful actress she's a wonderful actress she's a wonderful actress [oh isn't she isn't she isn't she?]