A little blind spider took the wheel Navigatin' grass blades completely by feel Gotta... sassy chassy... sparkle in the sun All four small bald fat tires rockin' through the sand and burnin' up Little dune buggy... in the sand Little blue dune buggy... in my hand Okay, I got a rubber band motor hummin' on the beach, ready for fun Quit spinnin' that web and come out and play in the sun Eight thimble sized cylinders to be as smooth as you please Spider's bad ass fat old abdomen stuck in the bucket seat Little dune buggy... in the sand Little blue dune buggy... in my hand Squishy transmission was caught in drive Spiderman was squintin' at the sand and the sky Spiderwoman in the front seat, screamin' go... go... go He's ridin' the accelerator down to the floor with his fuzzy little toe...oe... oe... oe... oe Little dune buggy... in the sand Little blue dune buggy... in my hand Little blue dune buggy Little blue dune buggy Little blue dune buggy Little blue dune buggy Little blue dune buggy Little blue dune buggy Little blue dune buggy Little blue dune buggy Little... blue... dune buggy