It's been 6 years, we've made it for this long, the memories of failed pleas burned into this song. You’re done for here, there's better bands, your time has come and past, a chance to make this last. You'll never be the sharpest knife in the draw. You'll never be top of the pile. Whether we’re near to our goal or not, it's loud it's clear, we'll give this a shot. For the record, we’re here now, always have been, members come, members go, people come and fade. These past years, hiding under a rock, for better, for worse, we can never stop. Sweet justice, a dedication. Sweet justice, this moment is ours. Deep rooted for the reason of music. Ingrained, it's the reason we stay. This passion, our chance to shine. And we still stand strong. Defeated, but we still stand strong.