If you keep your options open There are places you will go They will treat you like the kings and queens your parents thought you'd be when you were born You'd see it all, with your head up standing tall and you'd look back and think it's funny how you spent your time and money
In this world Living in this perfect world Everyone can write a song.
Let me tell you mister you should always talk to strangers because you never really know the brilliant things that you might hear like all of the fall of civilizations caused far off constellations or we all aren't really here, we're just quantum sized good vibrations
In this world Living in this perfect world Even strangers sing along
If you keep your options open there are places you will go It might be hell, it might be heaven, might be nothing, maybe something else who knows? I can't really say for sure because I've never really been dead before But I guess someday I'll know it, or perhaps maybe I won't
In this world, Living in this perfect world. None of us will ever die.