! All bends in this song are draw bends X ======== draw X> ======= blow X^ ======== bend X^^ ======= 2nd bend X^^^ ====== full bend on 3 hole v ======== vibrato w ======== wah XH ======= hold (X&X) ==== two notes played together (X/X) ==== slurred notes (first note is primary) ~X ======= single note smooth bend transition X~X^~X === smooth bend transition back and forth (more dashes means a longer transition) X+X+X ==== one note sliding into the next (X_X_X) == extremely fast 'run' of sliding notes X=X ====== shake X<<< ===== slide down FROM note >>>X ===== slide up TO note d/<<<>>> = slide up then down in draw b/<<<>>> = slide up then down in blow . ======== silence