In thine dark mournful eyes I see captivity in thy eyes obscurity enswathes this temptress the moonlight shines in ye eyes
And far beyond we are alone dancing in the silhouettes of mystery as the twilight arrives and the stars are shining bright
I will take thee to my cave My cave of love and hate
The gloomy temptress appears my void filled with temptation whispering as thou reveal thine origin thrust me thou said fear me not I relinquished my soul cause thy name was temptation
And far beyond we are alone dancing in the silhouettes of mystery as the twilight arrives and the stars are shining bright
I will take thee to my cave my cave of love and hate
In the murk and misty twilight ye may hear her screams in the night far beyond the realm of nowhere she lives in aeon
Come follow thy fantasy go where thy fate leads
My life in ruins my love for thee taking o'er my life