The stars that wouldn't shine they don't go away Just cause you don't see them shining here today
The stars that wouldn't shine just haven't been seen here And they might may not arrive for a million years
The stars that wouldn't shine have been left for dead Because they take their time you haven't seen them yet
They may not arrive for a million days It don't mean they don't try to make it through the haze
The stars that wouldn't shine The stars that wouldn't shine
They cross the darken skies like a ghostly ship And because they deny your eyes you'd like to say they don't exist They may not reach these shores until we're all long dead
But like a light your seeing now they are light years ahead
The stars that wouldn't shine The stars that wouldn't shine
The stars that wouldn't shine don't mean you no harm They mean to help you keep safe & warm And if their loving fingers haven't found you yet I will reminder you lest you forget
The stars that wouldn't shine The stars that wouldn't shine The stars that wouldn't shine The stars that wouldn't shine