took a walk, in the wind, down by the harbour took a mouthful of sand in when we laughed rode a bike, or a horse, I don't quite remember but we laughed
took a trip, to the city, one friendly Autumn took a mouthful of wine in when we breathed holding hands, on the bridge, over the river catching the leaves
i'm sorry that you flew so far away
felt your breath, on my neck, your hands in my pockets felt your skin next to mine whenever we slept and i've tried to forget all my misjudgements but you wept
and we climbed, once again, those tremendous mountains and we forded the rivers we crossed while we hiked, over hills and through darkened forests we got lost
i'm sorry that you flew so far away
and I found, an old list, you'd written for christmas when you wandered the streets calling my name and I hope that you got all that you asked for