A Big Oil Network Operations Manager and a remote employee
- Hi! Is that Florence? - Yes, it is. - It's Graig from network in London. I understand you've got a trouble ticket 2574 in front of me. Is it OK to talk now and on this number? - It's fine. I've lost voice and data connectivity to my desktop, that's why I'm using my mobile. - Ok, Florence. What I'm going to do is walk you through a series of tests to see if we can locate e problem. Is that OK? - Sure, far away. - OK. Can you just conform the high power out your desktop and within your office? - Yes, I've checked it. The PC is on and everyone else is OK, so we have power. - OK. Next can you look at the back of your PC and check if the yellow Ethernet cable is plot into the port of your PC? And following that, check is plot into the obj 45 connector on the wall. - Hold on. Yes, the both is fine. - OK, good. Now, after then, I have to check the LAN obeys functioning, because you've said everyone else is OK, so that must mean the obeys functional. So, the next step, Florence, is that I need to test the VPN network from my hand. So hold on while I do this. That's test is OK and I can see the root turn on my network management application, so that's now working fine. - So Graig, if the one works and the LAN works, it looks like something to do with my PC? - You're right, as my next step is remotely check the network card on your PC. Let me try. I can't. It's not responding. It's your network card. Florence, can you reboot your PC for me, please? - OK, one second. OK, it's coming back now. - OK, let me do that test again. Yes, it's working! I can see you now, and your IP address is I'll just check now with the ping test. Yes, that's successful. - Great! I can see that my email is coming in now and I've got connectivity. - OK. The last step is for me to just do a round trip delay test and confound that the latency is acceptable. Hold on. Yes, it's 75 milliseconds which is undelete freshened. Florence, if it's OK with you, I'll close the ticket. - That's fine. Thanks so much, Graig. Bye