"Glowing we opened safely over the anger in it, But I’m not sure what it is" Could you weave me a chance and white clothes, And take these coins from my hand "Forget there's a thank you, 'Cause I'm not sure (oh I don't know) If I can think of anything Worth the cold eye"
What has now found itself "I’m so into this that I’ll be drowned" And then for pitié’s sake At least the heavens
Chorus: They’ll bring forth a stream or a river As my veins in that song To cry again and again I haven’t asked the dear sun Neither a word to be sung with delight Near you in grace Letting the depths glow, too
(I know) I’ll never awake If I’m taken there Through the last thing in this world I'd place myself The thoughts and the words were first I’m not cold from within Keeping the will below the sad lines Where endless flashes are hanging
Chorus: They’ll bring forth a stream or a river As my veins in that song To cry again and again I haven’t asked the dear sun Neither a word to be sung with delight Near you in grace Letting the depths glow
“...der endiuzet noch enklinget. sô er von dem herzen springet, ez ist dehein gedanc sô snel, ê er von dem herzen vür daz vel kom, er ensî versuochet: des kiuschen got geruochet. sît got gedanke spehet sô wol, ouwê der brœden werke dol! swâ werc verwürkent sînen gruoz, daz gotheit sich schamen muoz, wem lât den menneschlîchiu zuht? war hât diu arme sêle vluht? welt ir nû gote vüegen leit, der ze beiden sîten ist bereit, zer minne und gein dem zorne, sô sît ir der verlorne. nû kêret iuwer gemüete, daz er iu danke güete.”
("...unaccompanied by thud or jingle. And when a thought springs from one’s heart, none is so swift but that it is scanned ere it pass the skin – and only if it be pure does God accept it. Since God scans thoughts so well, alas, how our frail deeds must pain him! When a man forfeits God’s benevolence so that God turns away in shame, to whose care can human schooling leave him? Where shall the poor soul find refuge? If you are going to wrong God, Who is ready with both Love and Wrath, you are the one who will suffer. Now so direct your thoughts that He will requite your goodness.”) -Wolfram von Eschenbach / Parzival