A is for the Anger B is for the Bile C is for the Caustic nature of my smile D, E and F are Dread, Envy and Fear G and H - the Greed and Hatred I feel through the years I is for my Ignorance J- my jaundiced views K is for the Knowledge that I refuse to use L is for the Loathing And M for Maliciousness And N is for the Nihilistic views that I do express And O is for Opportunities That P - I Pissed away And Q is for the Questions from which I've run away And R is for, R is for, R is for my Rage And S is for the Sarcasm that I use from day to day T and U are Treachery and Underhandedness And V is for the Violent nature that I do express And W, W, X, Y and Z - I'm very, very, very, very nasty
THE TIGER LILLIES.Xyz "Xyz" by The Tiger Lillies (Google Play • iTunes • AmazonMP3 • eMusic) ... Tiger Lillies ...
The Tiger Lillies Project - Mariusz Kiljan - XYZ ... Piosenka pt. "XYZ" Muzyka - Martin Jacques opr. muz. - Stefan Gąsieniec Przekłady i ...
THE TIGER LILLIES.Bad Bad I'll pick you up early From the school gates at 3:30 I'll take you down Soho Be ready to Go ...
The Tiger Lillies - Bad blood and Blasphemy [1999 ... plz. visit my channel if you seek more Tiger Lillies, I'm uploading the albums. The songs get ...
The Tiger Lillies Project - Mariusz Kiljan ... Piosenka pt. "Morderca" Muzyka - Martin Jacques opr. muz. - Stefan Gąsieniec Przekłady ...